InTowards DevbyPrasad PatareMulti-Tenant Architecture using SpringBoot and PostgreSQLMulti-Tenancy in Spring Boot Using PostgreSQL (Schema-per-Tenant)Mar 51Mar 51
Tharushka HeshanLiquibase for Spring Boot: Database Changes with YAML or XMLA Practical Guide to Liquibase with Spring BootDec 29, 2024Dec 29, 2024
Svyatoslav KotusevEnterprise Architecture Practice on a Single PageTraditionally the practice of using enterprise architecture (EA) for achieving business and IT alignment in organizations, or simply an EA…Jan 201Jan 201
Vinod PalHow I Review Code As a Senior Developer For Better ResultsI have been doing code reviews for quite some time and have become better at it. From my experience here I have compiled a list of…Jan 2538Jan 2538
InTestVagrantbyMritunjai Kumar RaiHow to Automate gRPC tests?gRPC is a modern open-source high-performance Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework that can run in any environment. It can efficiently…Oct 18, 2021Oct 18, 2021
David Mosyan3 API Authorization MechanismsAuthZ (authorization) mechanisms are controls that specify what exactly a user can and cannot do after the authentication. The mechanism…Dec 14, 2024Dec 14, 2024
VinotechEnd-to-End CI/CD Pipeline for Production-Ready Spring Boot ApplicationsTo create a comprehensive CI/CD pipeline for your Spring Boot application, you should include several stages that cover the entire software…Oct 16, 20242Oct 16, 20242
InStackademicbyOliver FosterWhy do many people not recommend using JWT?My article is open to everyone; non-member readers can click this link to read the full text.Sep 16, 202478Sep 16, 202478
Arvind KumarAdvanced Spring Boot Concepts Every Java Developer Should MasterSpring Boot’s simplicity often overshadows its power to handle complex enterprise requirements. In this article, lets see the glimpse of 7…Dec 9, 202419Dec 9, 202419
JanhavibordeParameterized tests using JunitJUnit is a popular testing framework for Java that allows developers to write and run unit tests. One of the key features of JUnit is the…Nov 17, 2023Nov 17, 2023
Surya Raj GhimireCI/CD Pipeline for Deploying Java Web Application on Docker Using AnsibleTools we need to setupJul 23, 2023Jul 23, 2023
Momar MbengueSetting Up Spring Boot Microservices with Spring CloudSpring Cloud is an open-source framework that provides solutions for building microservices-based applications. It offers tools and…Feb 2, 2023Feb 2, 2023
Balakrishnan vishnuganEureka Server: The Ultimate Service Registry for Microservices🚀💡🎅🏾Explore the benefits of using Eureka Server for service discovery in your microservices architectureDec 18, 20231Dec 18, 20231
SanthoshContract Testing using PactWe have transitioned from a time when deployments occurred once every few days to a scenario where deployments take place every few seconds…Dec 29, 20231Dec 29, 20231
Inhprog99byHiten Pratap SinghManage feature flags in Spring Boot application using UnleashFeature flags, also known as feature toggles, are a powerful technique that enables developers to switch certain features on and off at…Mar 16, 2023Mar 16, 2023
Jose EspinozaVersionamiento de APIs REST: Mejores prácticas y consideracionesUna API REST es una interfaz de programación de aplicaciones que sigue las pautas de REST acrónimo de Representational State Transfer, un…Jul 14, 2023Jul 14, 2023
Jose EspinozaDesarrollo rápido de APIs con Spring Boot y OpenAPI GeneratorEn este artículo, exploraremos la integración Basica de OpenAPI Generator en un proyecto de Spring Boot. Aprenderemos a generar codigo…Jun 7, 2023Jun 7, 2023
Jose EspinozaProtegiendo tu aplicación web con Spring Security y autenticación basada en Tokens JWTEn el mundo digital actual, la seguridad es una preocupación fundamental para cualquier aplicación web. Una forma efectiva de proteger tu…Jun 10, 20232Jun 10, 20232